Join us for the community church picnic on Sunday, August 18th at Spirit Memorial Park. Bring a lawn chair, a dish to pass, and beverage of your choice. There will be water and coffee. We’ll eat at 12:30.
Join us for the community church picnic on Sunday, August 18th at Spirit Memorial Park. Bring a lawn chair, a dish to pass, and beverage of your choice. There will be water and coffee. We’ll eat at 12:30.
Beloved of God,
Just a few short weeks ago, we moved Papa John into a new living situation. There was so much to do: making phone calls, touring places, mounds of paperwork, packing, driving (forever driving), moving stuff to his new place and moving stuff to our place to get rid of later.
The truth is, I could never have accomplished it all without the help of others. Thanks to Michael with his strength and trailer and hand truck and his ability to stay calm even when things weren’t going as planned – like loading things in the pouring rain two days in a row!
Thanks to my sister and her oldest son and his two boys for help with hauling all the stuff, taking apart and assembling furniture and for my sister’s eye for aesthetics which helped turn a plain room into a cozy home for Papa.
I am especially grateful for every person who took care of him during his recovery – doctors, nurses, therapists, drivers, chaplains, social workers, cooks, people who cleaned his surroundings and washed his clothes. The list goes on and on…
Then, there are all of you. Those of you who prayed for us and asked how things were going and kept things running smoothly at the churches as I scrambled around like a chicken with my head cut off! People who took my place at community meetings so I could be with my dad. Fulfilling worship continued. Meetings took place. The sick were visited. Fundraisers happened. Bulletins were printed and assembled. Those who were grieving were comforted. Support given.
Jesus said,
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
John 15:12-13 NRSVUE
Laying down one’s life doesn’t necessarily mean dying for them. Laying down one’s life also means living FOR them. Giving up some of our precious time for the benefit of someone else. Giving of our finances so others can get what they need. Being there for a shoulder to cry on or an ear to grouse on. Waking up the next morning with sore muscles but knowing you did a good thing for someone else.
Those acts, some simple sacrifices, some not-so-much, are what Jesus meant when he said we should love one another as he has loved us. Love enough to give. Love enough to sacrifice. Love enough so others can live abundantly.
And guess what? Blessings rebound – we will be blessed in return.
So, Beloved Church of God, “Go forth and love, give, sacrifice. It is what we are called to. It is what we are here for. So, roll up your sleeves and get to it!
Pastor Lisa
Bingo Concessions at Sara Park Wed., Aug. 14th 5pm
TUMC Memorial/Church Council mtg. Thu., Aug. 15th 10am
Back-to-School Prayer event at Tomahawk Schools Sun., Aug. 18th 4pm
Picnic and luncheon info are on the back pages