Community Christmas Dinner

Pastor’s December letter
Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ day-to-day life looked like? The Gospels give us snippets of his life, but we often don’t think about the circumstances around the short accounts. The importance of Jesus experiencing life as a human being is why he came as a baby, but we often focus on the negative experiences – that he suffered like we do; endured pain; felt sorrow and loneliness. But, what about the joys?
In session 5 of the T.V. series, The Chosen, we get to visualize what it may have been like for Jesus to be a guest at the wedding at Cana. He was there along with his mother and the disciples. Most likely, all of them were either family or friends of the bride and groom.
We see Jesus greet his mother with joy and hugs; joking around with his disciples; interacting with the bridal party and guests; eating and dancing and singing. He laughs in these scenes – a lot! It makes sense to me that Jesus wasn’t just a bystander sitting all somber in the corner watching all the fun. He participated in everyone’s joy.
For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven:
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn and a time to dance… Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4
There is a time to HAVE FUN! Don’t let the difficulties of life and the hustle and hassles of preparing for the holiday season dry up your spirit.
A cheerful heart is a good medicine,
but a downcast spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
Enjoy yourself. Take time to sit with a cup of cocoa watching a holiday movie or listening to Christmas music. Invite a friend to go out for lunch. Walk through some shops enjoying the holiday spirit. Go downtown for Hometown Christmas the evening of December 13th. Get caught up in other people’s joy. See how many advent quiz answers you can get right (or wrong) ��. (Quiz found in this issue of the newsletter.)
Joy is contagious so HAVE FUN and spread a little joy!
Pastor Lisa