Midwest Mission

We are collecting kits for the Ingathering to support the Midwest Mission. You will find the kit contents below.

The kits should be turned in by Sunday June 2nd so we can get them ready to bring to Annual Conference the following weekend.

Home Care Kits

· Liquid household cleaner 56-80oz (no spray   bottles)

· Dish soap 42-64oz

· Liquid laundry detergent 100-150oz

· 1 scrub brush

· 1-5 gallon round bucket with resealable lid

Personal Care Kits

· 1hand towel—no kitchen towels

· 1 washcloth—no dishcloths

· 1 toothbrush (no multi packs)

· 1 bar soap 3-4oz

· 1 shampoo—12-19oz

· 1 deodorant—2-3oz (stick, roll-on, or pump)

· 1 lotion—8-10oz

· 11 gallon resealable plastic bag

· $2 donation for toothpaste and carrying bag

Pastor’s Thoughts

Dear Ones,

I love wearing hats in case you haven’t noticed. I have several and they are not always all that practical – like, to keep my head warm. If I’m not wearing a hat, then a headband, or a hair clip.

Lots of people wear hats. Walt Anderson always had a hat on his head. I recently told someone that sometimes I think wearing a hat is kind of like Linus and his security blanket from the Peanuts cartoons. Hats warm my head and my heart. They keep the sun out of my eyes or my mop of hair under control. Sometimes they are just a fashion statement.

Don’t worry – I’m not going to get into the debate about head coverings for men and women in the Bible. I personally don’t think the discussions about head coverings in the Bible really applies to our culture in America today. But I do want to talk about how we are covered by God.

You who live in the shelter of the Most High,
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,will say to the Lord,

“My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.”
For he will deliver you from the snare of the hunter and from the deadly pestilence;

he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness is a shield and defense. Psalm 91:1-6 NRSVUE

Life is a difficult journey and hard to navigate well. It would be nice if life was a beautiful rosy path with never a pebble in our shoe or a pothole in our path. However, God’s Word doesn’t promise that.  

What God does promise is that we will not have to struggle through life alone. God promises to give us strength for the things we face and help in time of need. God promises us forgiveness for when we mess up and will guide us back to the path that leads to life. On the days when life totally overwhelms us, we can snuggle under God’s protective wing and be comforted.

When we need God ‘with skin on,’ we have each other. That is part of what this family of God is all about. We can ‘cover’ each other. We cover one another with prayer, encouragement, and actual ‘hands on’ help. When one of us is weak, the other is strong and vice versa. We help carry each other’s load.

If you are struggling today, know that you don’t have to go it alone. God is with you and so are we. Don’t be embarrassed or shy – reach out to your church family. We’re ready to give you hand and lighten your load.

Pastor Lisa


Maundy Thu. at Spirit 10am

Lenten Study Thu., March 21 at 1:30pm. Chapter 6. Good Friday at TUMC 1:30pm

Easter Sunrise service at Spirit 6:30am/breakfast                following                               

Easter Sunday Worship: 

Spirit UMC at 8:30am—Tomahawk UMC at 10:30am 

April newsletter information needs to be in by this coming Monday March 25th